The M25 network is one of the UK’s most strategically important road infrastructure systems and is crucial in underpinning the UK economy. The network plays a pivotal role as the hub of Highways England’s Strategic Road Network, supporting journeys in and around the London, and connecting customers with other parts of the UK and Europe.
Connect Plus
About us
What we do
Connect Plus is responsible for one of the busiest motorways in Europe, operating, maintaining and renewing 440 kilometres of motorway and associated arterial link roads around London, providing our customers with a world-class highway service.
As part of our remit we are delivering major improvement projects such as widening 38 miles of the M25, refurbishing tunnels and bridges, and installing hundreds of Variable Messaging Signs (VMS) and gantries, helping to maximise use of the network and deliver more reliable journeys.
Since 2009, £1.4bn has been invested to deliver additional capacity enhancements. The Initial Upgrade sections (IUS), a major widening project and refurbishment of the Hatfield Tunnel, were all completed on time prior to the Olympics in June 2012.
The introduction of Smart Motorways through the Later Upgraded Sections (LUS), was the first All Lane Running project of its kind. It was subsequently initiated and completed in autumn 2014.
Connect Plus
About us
What we do