How the pandemic accelerated the adoption of mobile apps on the M25 Network

Connect Plus Services (CPS), a joint venture of Balfour Beatty, Atkins and Egis, is responsible for operating and maintaining the M25 network on behalf of Connect Plus and National Highways.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we adapted to many challenges and changes to the way we work, whilst keeping the country moving at such a crucial time.
One visible impact has been the increased use of mobile applications by the team. This can particularly be seen in the implementation of the AgileAssets desktop-based asset management system and integrated the Unity mobile application platform.
We have used the Unity platform to configure a range of applications from scratch in line with our specific business needs.
When the pandemic hit, the social distancing rules put in place meant that remote working became prevalent for office-based workers and site-based workers needed to change their ways of working to minimise contact with others.
Operational teams quickly realised that they could reduce the need for close contact by adopting apps available to them.

To demonstrate this, our lighting inspectors were able to use an app to allow them to go straight on-site to undertake inspections. This removed the need to visit an office first to collect paper-based forms or return them at the end of their shift.
Pandemic related issues have driven the deployment and uptake of project configured apps. The use of these apps is driving several other benefits, such as efficiency gains, speed of decisions, reduced travel time/costs, better data, media alongside data and job satisfaction.
Read more about these benefits and the impact of the pandemic on the adoption of mobile apps, click here.
Notes to Editors
About Connect Plus and Connect Plus Services
- Over 10 years ago, Highways England awarded Connect Plus the contract to operate and manage the M25 and its key arterial link roads.
- Connect Plus is a consortium that includes Edge Orbital Holdings Ltd, Balfour Beatty and Egis Road Operation UK - a unique partnership with a collective strength in highways maintenance and management.
- Connect Plus Services (CPS), is Connect Plus’ specialist and strategic supply chain partner responsible for operations and maintenance, bringing together the collective strength and expertise of its parent companies, Balfour Beatty, Atkins and Egis Road Operation UK.
- With a workforce of around 600 people, based at seven locations around the network, CPS carries out routine maintenance, and whole-life management of thousands of M25 assets. CPS manages the operation of the network 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including a severe weather season maintenance programme.
- Over the past 10 years, collectively we’ve delivered over £1.4bn worth of road improvements and junction enhancements, and we’re continually exploring new and innovative ways to deliver safer, more reliable journeys for our customers. Together, we’re passionate about delivering the long-term needs of the M25 and improving the driving experience for all our customers.
- For further information please visit or follow us at